© 2022 Erzhena Elbekovna BADMAEVA
MA&B 2022 – № 2(24)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33876/2224-9680/2022-2-24/14
E.E. Badmaeva (2022) Prepodavanie tibetskoj mediciny v Aginskom medicinskom kolledzhe i Aginskoj buddijskoj akademii [Teaching Tibetan medicine at the Aginsky Medical College and the Aginsky Buddhist Academy], Meditsinskaya antropologiya i bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], No. 2(24).
Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Teacher at the
Aginsky Medical College
named after V.L. Chimitdorzhiev
(Russia: Aginskoye settlement, Zabaykalsky Krai)
E-mail: badmaeva.e@inbox.ru
Keywords: medical education, Tibetan medicine, Buddhism, spiritual and moral values, healthy lifestyle, medicinal plants.
Abstract: Currently, interest in Tibetan medicine is growing in Russia. This ancient medical system originated at the junction of ancient Indian and ancient Chinese medicine. Tibetan medicine is based on Buddhist philosophy. Tibetan medicine penetrated into Russia in the XVII century. together with Buddhism from Mongolia. Before the revolution, there were several manba-datsans (medical schools) and many lamas-healers in ethnic Buryatia. Currently, the traditions of Tibetan medicine are being revived. In 1993, the Aginsky Buddhist Academy with the Faculty of Tibetan Medicine was opened in the Aginsky Buryat district. For the social protection of graduates of the Academy, Rector Babu Lama (V.L. Chimitdorzhiev) founded the Aginsky Medical College. College students study Tibetan medicine within the framework of the FSES secondary medical education. The main direction of Tibetan medicine is the prevention of diseases and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, phytotherapy with local medicinal plants.
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Chimitdorhiev V.L., Austermonas D.N., Badmaeva E.E. (2011) Profilakticheskie osnovy tibetskoi mediciny [Preventive Foundations of Tibetan Medicine], Mir buddiiskoi kultyry [World of Buddhist Culture], Chita, p. 127–129.
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