© 2022 Laura Vladimirovna TURARBEKOVA
2022 – № 1(23)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33876/2224-9680/2022-1-23/12
Citation link:
Turarbekova L.V. (2022) Vopros o kiborge [The Cyborg Question], Meditsinskaya antropologiya i bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], № 1(23).
Laura Vladimirovna Turarbekovna –
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, PhD,
Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
E-mail: l.turarbek@mail.ru
* The article was prepared according to the project “616599-EPR-1-2020-1- KZ-EPPJMO-MODULE “Digital Humanity in the Republic of Kazakhstan: local solutions to global problems” (2020-2023)” programs of the European Union Jean Monnet.
Keywords: cyborg, cyborgization, technique and technology, man and humanity, machine, technical existentialism, second-level transcendence, humanism
Abstract: The question of cyborg is really a question about a person, his future and present, in the context of the increasing influence of modern technologies on the biological and social nature of man. The description of some anthropological and medical aspects of the cyborgization process (from the implantation of microchips into human organs to the complete replacement of some organs with artificial ones or even up to the creation of additional organs) is accompanied by a philosophical analysis of texts by authors such as M. Heidegger, J. Simondon, D. Haraway and others who have devoted their reflection to the problems of modern technologies. Technology, which inevitably accompanies humanity throughout the history of its existence, puts a person face to face with a radically Other – an inhuman machine. Whether such an opposition will lead to the creation of a new cyborg ethic or to the destruction of man and his replacement by a machine is the question that the author of the article is trying to answer.
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