© 2022 Daria Viktorovna MELIKHOVA, Daria Nikolaevna CHEREMNYKH

2022 – № 1(23)


Citation link:

Melikhova D.V., Cheremnykh D.N. (2022) Pandemiya COVID-19 kak instrument politicheskoy bor’by v Italii i Germanii [The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Tool of Political Struggle in Italy and Germany], Meditsinskaya antropologiya i bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], № 1(23).

Daria Viktorovna Melikhova


3rd year student of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics


Higher School of Economics



Daria Nikolaevna Cheremnykh


2nd year student of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics


Higher School of Economics (Ереван, Республика Армения)


* The article was prepared by students of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics of the Higher School of Economics D.V. Melikhova and D.N. Cheremnykh and is accompanied by an introduction by the authors’ supervisor – Ph.D., Senior lecturer of the Higher School of Economics M.G. Yashina.

Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, lockdown, sanitary restrictions, populism, vaccination, elections, anti-covid measures, opposition

Abstract: The article discusses the methods of using the COVID-19 pandemic as a tool for achieving political goals on the example of Germany and Italy. By studying official statements, public statements in the media and social networks of politicians of both countries, the most typical ways of introducing a pandemic into political discourse were identified. To make the study more complete, the statements of politicians in power and making key decisions to combat the spread of Covid, as well as opposition leaders, were included in its framework. Based on empirical data, general conclusions were drawn for both countries, and specific features were identified in the interaction of German and Italian politicians with such an information guide as coronavirus.


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