© 2021 Aniko Bati, Katalin Juhasz

2021 – № 2 (22)


Citation link:

Bati A., Juhasz K. (2021). Reforma shkol’nogo pitanija v Vengrii: kul’turno-antropologicheskie aspekty [School Nutrition Reform in Hungary: Cultural-Anthropological Aspects], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], № 1(21).

Author info:

Aniko Bati, PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow at the Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Ethnology (Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

Katalin Juhasz, PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow at the Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Ethnology (Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

Keywords: healthy diet, school nutrition, modern nutrition culture, food habits in Hungary, public nutrition reform

Abstract. Public nutrition plays a key role in creating the conditions for a healthy diet, in forming a healthy lifestyle, and, eventually, influences the health and food-related habits of mature people. National polls by the corresponding institutions have informed of a dramatic situation in public nutrition among Hungarian children. That is why in recent decades Hungary’s government has launched a battle against “civilized” diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Alongside the large-scale public awareness campaign, a reform of public nutrition is underway. The children’s public nutrition reform has caused strong reactions from society and has been widely discussed by experts and consumers. The problem includes overeating, starvation, and unbalanced eating. During the public nutrition reform’s preparation and implementation, the respective organs primarily focused on the proper composition of the school lunches, under dietary standards, and minimization of costs. However, there was no complex cross-disciplinary study behind these efforts, before it was started by Aniko Bati in 2018. The project, based on joint efforts by ethnographers and nutrition scientists and implemented in the frameworks of six thematic studies, researches the circumstances and social role of school nutrition, various gastro-cultural backgrounds of the children’s families, both in the regional and social aspects, as well as the role of local products and culinary traditions.


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