© 2021Kharitonova V.I.

2021 – №1 (21)

Citation link:

Kharitonova V.I. (2021). Shkola MAiB v period pandemii [MAaB School during Pandemic], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], № 1 (21).

Author info:

Valentina Kharitonova, Dr. Hist. Sc., is Chief Research Fellow and head of Center for Medical Anthropology, Miklouho-Maklai Institute (Moscow).

Key words: humanities shift in education, medical anthropology, bioethics, doctor, biomedicine, evidence-based medicine, traditional medical system (TMC), traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, folk medicine, folk healing, pandemic

Abstract. This informative article deals with specificities of the School of Medical Anthropology and Bioethics held for senior students of a medical university (general medicine department) during the pandemic. The main problems under review are: the necessity of the humanities introduced in medical learning programs; training medical experts in the humanities in the frameworks of auxiliary courses based in other institutions, or expanded courses in humanities in medical universities. The article describes in detail the experiences at the recent School during the COVID-19 pandemic period, when senior students were involved in the work of in-patient facilities, including those in red zones. Some listeners of the 18th MAaB School had to combine the school with their hospital practice. The author also makes a review of the school seminars held online.