© 2020 Valentins KHARITONOVA

2020 – № 1 (19)

For citations:

Haritonova V.I. (2020) COVID-19: novaja tema medicinskoj antropologii [COVID-19: a New Topic for Medical Anthropology]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 1(19).

Author info:

Valentina Ivanovna Kharitonova, Dr. Hist. Sc., is a Chief Research Fellow and Head of the Center for Medical Anthropology at the Mikluho-Maclay Institute (Moscow).


Keywords: epidemic, pandemic, COVID-19, First Wave, health care, mass media, Internet, online discussion boards, associations, medical anthropologists, experts in public health and health care, sociologists of medicine, academic seminars

Abstract. The article scrutinizes the situation in Russia and the rest of the world around the COVID-19 epidemic, which started in China in December 2019-January 2020 and declared a pandemic by the WHI on March 11. The text pinpoints the crucial events and reactions from administrative and legislative organs, as well as the society in general. The author characterizes the main directions and specifics of field work and research carried out by medical anthropologists and other experts working with them in the same cross-disciplinary field.


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