© 2020 Galina SAVEL’EVA
2020 — № 1 (19)
Citation link: Savel’eva G. S. (2020). Svedenija po narodnoj medicine v materialah fol’klornogo fonda Instituta jazyka, literatury i istorii Komi NC UrO RAN (k. XX – n. XXI vv.) [Information on Folk Medicine in Materials of Folklore Foundation of Institute for Komi Language, Literature and History (Scientific Center of the Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences)]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthtropology and Bioethics], 1(19).
Author info: Galina Sergeyevna Savelyeva, Cand. Philol. Sc., is a Senior Research Fellow of the Folklore Department at the Institute for Komi Language, Literature and History (Scientific Center of the Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences)
Keywords: folklore, traditional culture, Komi-Zyryans, archive, healing, folk means for healing, charms and spells, beliefs on diseases.
Abstract. The article reviews the materials on folk medicine collected during the folklorist and ethnographic expeditions in Komi Republic. These information was recorded in the recent decades and reflect folk beliefs on diseases, preventive measure, and healing methods. Cited is recorded information coming from healing traditions holders, in particular a local bone setter woman.
Panyukov, A.V., Savelyeva, G.S. (1999) Traditsionnaya kultura komi: Etnografia detstva (Materialy folklorno-etnograficheskikh ekspeditsiy 1905-1998 godov) [Traditional Komi culture: Ethnography of childhood (Materials of folklore and ethnographic expeditions 1995-1998)], Syktyvkar: Publishing House of Syktyvkar State University.