© 2020 Iliana Janeva-Balabanska

2020 – №1 (19)

Citation link:

Janeva-Balabanska, I. (2020). Sociologija invalidnosti kak nauchnoe napravlenie [Sociology of Disability as a Scientific Field]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 1 (19)

About the author of the review:

Yaneva Balabanska Iliyana, MD, PhD, Cand. Med. Sc., is an Associate Professor at the

National Center for Public Health and Analysis (Sofia, Bulgaria)

About the author of the book:

Bozhidar Sashkov Ivkov, PhD, Dr. Soc. Sc., is a Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Keywords: disability, sociology of disability, disability studies, sociology of medicine, sociology of health care, models of disability, disabled people

Abstract. The reader is offered a brief review of the new important work by Professor B. S. Ivkov, in which he gave a rationale for creating a separate scientific field, sociology of disability. It is an interdisciplinary field for the cooperation of disability studies researchers and is distinguished by the author from the sociologies of medicine or health care. The monograph discusses how the phenomenon of disability and the social category of disabled people need to be studied, above all, as a social-medical and/or biosocial construction, with an emphasis on the social, disability’s biological and psychological components included. The author of the review describes the monograph and concludes that this work is important for Bulgarian and international science.