© 2015 V. I. Kharitonova

2015 – №1 (9)

Снимок экрана 2017-09-16 в 17.02.08Abstract: The end of the winter is traditionally rich in “schools” for university students and those who are willing to receive new knowledge. The Group of Medical Anthropology of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthopology took part in the work of two schools: its representatives (Alexandra Kurlenkova, Candidate of Science, and Galina Kopeliovich, a PhD-student) visited the school of sociologists (organized by The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, or ‘Shaninka’), while other staff and graduate students visited the Winter School of Psychologists, at the Department of Clinical Psychology of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MGMSU) (better known as “the Third Medical University”). Within the framework of the School, on February 5th (the School worked on February, 2-6), the teachers had a prolonged discussion with future psychologists regarding their plans to address, both as practitioners and as full-fledged researchers the issues of medical anthropology.

Key words: School, medical anthropology, clinical psychology, shamanism, psychophysiology of shamans, education.

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