© 2014 A.A. Shimanskaya

2014 — №2 (8)

Снимок экрана 2017-09-18 в 21.59.30Keywords: Tibetan medicine, emchi-lamas, practical healers, Buddhism, Bon, monasteries 

Summary: This article is devoted to some aspects of Tibetan medicine. Tibetan medicine is a fascinating field of practical knowledge. Unfortunately, it is not sufficiently studied by modern European science. This system of practical knowledge was developed for many centuries. It is based on empirical data, and it uses a wide range of natural resources. One of the peculiar features of Tibetan medicine is its close relationship with Buddhism and Bon tradition. This relationship influenced the methods used by Tibetan doctors to identify the causes of disease and ways of their elimination.

Medical knowledge developed in Tibet in parallel with the spread of the Buddhist doctrine. Monasteries and monastic system of medical education played a role in mutual influence of medicine and Buddhism. One can conclude that the medical knowledge and skills of monks and lamas of that time largely contributed to the spread of Buddhism in Tibet and Central Asia. It was one of the factors that created a favorable image of Buddhist monasteries and clergy amongst the laity, who received the practical benefits of this knowledge.


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