© 2014 Ermakova  E.E.

2014 – № 1 (7)

ЕрмаковаKey words: integrative medicine, folk medicine, traditional medicine, traditional healing, biomedicine, healthcare workers

Abstract: In recent decades there has been interest in folk medicine and healing practices on the side of the Russian population and different socio-professional groups. Currently, legislative bodies are actively discussing the legal status of traditional medicines as complementary. The reform of the national healthcare system has made it possible for patients to pay special attention to folk medicinal and healing practices. In this regard, an important task for scientific research is to identify attitudes toward these practices on the part of medical workers. With this purpose, from 2006 to 2010 I conducted a longitudinal survey using a questionnaire, interviewing 313 health professionals from public health institutions. The survey showed a high rating of folk medicine among medical professionals indicating a tolerant attitude of biomedical specialists towards folk medical practice. At the same time it showed a lack of understanding by medical practitioners of folk healing practices and specialists in the field of folk medicine. In order to eliminate this problem it may be necessary to introduce new knowledge into educational syllabuses, giving medical students some understanding of ​​traditional medicine, modern healing, Eastern traditional medicine.


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The article is available in full version in Russian.

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