Discussion of health protection issues in the framework of the 7th Meeting of Indigenous Minorities of the North (summary)

© 2013 V.I. Kharitonova, L.V. Passar

2013 – № 1 (5)

Key words: social security, pension system, health care, indigenous minorities, bioethics, ethnomedicine, non-conventional medicine, informed consent, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide

Abstract: From the 27th till the 30th of March, 2013, in Salekhard the 7th Meeting of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and Far East of Russia run its activities. In the framework of its 6th section “Social security, pension provision and healthcare promotion”, which worked in the format of round table, the issues of official healthcare and of additional opportunities for public health were discussed. The material overviews the key topics, discussed in the framework of the round table, as well as the practical conclusions made as a result of the event.

Round-table on healthcare promotion at the 7th Meeting of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and Far East of Russia (Salekhard, March 28, 2013)

Round-table on “Social security, pension provision and healthcare promotion” was held in the frame of the 7th Meeting of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and Far East of Russia in Salekhard on March 28, 2013. The issues of public health and additional possibilities of health maintenance of Russian population were discussed by Lyubov Passar, drug therapist; Valentina Kharitonova, head of Group of Medical Anthropology, IEA RAN; Dmitry Bogoyavlensky, demographist, and other people attending this meeting. The discussion touched upon such burning issues as education of local medical specialists; availability of health resort treatment; a need to provide 100% medical checkup for indigenous populations; a need to maintain medical statistics with regard to ethnical origins of a people; alcoholism, substance abuse and suicide among local populations; use of traditional (ethnomedical) knowledge and practices to resolve current healthcare problems in the North, Siberia and Far East.

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