© 2022 Laysan Muzipovna MUKHARYAMOVA, Zhanna Vladimirovna SAVELYEVA

MA&B 2022 – № 2(24)



Mukharyamova L.M., Savelyeva Zh.V. (2022) Problema ehksklyuzii detej s RAS i ikh semej v Rossii: grani neravenstva [The problem of exclusion of children with ASD and their families in Russia: the edges of inequality], Meditsinskaya antropologiya i bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2(24).

Laysan Muzipovna Mukharyamova

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor,

Head of the Department of History, Philosophy and Sociology

Kazan State Medical University

(Russia: Kazan)


Zhanna Vladimirovna Savelyeva

Doctor of Sociology,

Associate Professor of the Department of General and Ethnic Sociology

Kazan Federal University

(Russia: Kazan)


Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, social exclusion, social inequality, autism, social inclusion, neurodiversification.

Abstract: The prevalence of autism in Russia and the world is growing. Issues related to social inequality and social exclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders and their families are becoming more acute. According to the sociological research, seven facets of inequality that limit access to the benefits and resources of the social system for children with ASD are identified and revealed. The interpretations of autism within the framework of professional discourse, the biomedical/social model of autism already contain ideological intentions and are becoming the socio-cultural basis of inequality. In Russia, at this stage, an important factor reducing the possibility of receiving help is the lack of diagnoses of autism. An acute issue is the problem of accessibility of medical services for children with ASD who have special needs. The problems of inclusive education for children with ASD are also detailed. The problems of accessibility of physical space and the formation of a friendly environment are considered in the context of creating inclusive spaces. The trends of media construction of autism are analyzed, some of which have a positive impact on the formation of a friendly environment.


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Savel’eva, Zh.V. (2020) Autizm v diskurse rossiiskikh media: konstruirovanie obraza cheloveka s RAS [Autism in Russian Media Discourse: Constructing the Image of a Person with ASD], Vestnik «Biomeditsina i sotsiologiia» [Bulletin of Biomedicine and Sociology], No 4(5).

Khaustov, A.V., Shumskikh, M.A. (2019) Organizatsiia obrazovaniia obuchaiushchikhsia s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spektra v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: rezul’taty Vserossiiskogo monitoringa 2018 goda [Organization of education for students with autism spectrum disorders in the Russian Federation: results of the All-Russian monitoring in 2018], Autizm i narusheniia razvitiia [Autism and developmental disorders], No 17 (3), p. 3–11.