© 2024 Valeria Nikolaevna SOKOLCHIK, Alexey Ivanovich RAZUVANOV, Lina Sergeevna NAVITSKAYA

2024 – № 1 (27)


For citation: Sokolchik V.N., Razuvanov A.I., Navitskaya L.S. (2024) Patient’s Trust in the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine as a New Ethical Challenge, Medical Anthropology and Bioethics, No. 1(27).

Valeria Nikolaevna

Sokolchik –

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,

head of the Republican Center of Bioethics,

associate professor of the chair of the healthcare organization of the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Healthcare Personnel of the Belarusian State Medical University

(Minsk, Republic of Belarus)


Alexey Ivanovich

Razuvanov –

Candidate of Medical Sciences,

Academic Secretary of the State University

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Expertise and Rehabilitation

(Minsk, Republic of Belarus)


Lina Sergeevna

Navitskaya –

employee of the Republican Bioethics Center,

Graduate student of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Belarusian State University

(Minsk, Republic of Belarus)


Keywords:  patient trust; responsibility; artificial intelligence; healthcare; healthcare system; ethical and legal recommendations; ethical support

Abstract.  One of the most difficult challenges of using artificial intelligence in modern healthcare is the trust of patients (and medical professionals themselves) in its use. The formation of trust in artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) consists of many factors, where among the most significant are overcoming fears and insecurities about AI, relying on its legal and ethical regulation and resolving issues of responsibility for mistakes. Ethical support of AI at all stages of its creation, training and application plays a huge role in solving all the issues raised. Based on the conducted research, which included interviews and surveys of representatives of the healthcare system, information specialists, educators, patients, scientists, etc., the authors conclude that the implementation of measures of ethical and legal regulation of the use of AI, the creation of expert and advisory socio-ethical structures to support the use of AI, the formation of ethical requirements for interaction with AI and educating society on the problem posed are the main tasks and steps in building public confidence in the use of AI in medicine.


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