© 2022 Dmitry Vladimirovich POPOV
MA&B 2022 – № 2(24)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33876/2224-9680/2022-2-24/04
Popov D.V. (2022) Cifrovaya biomedicina i nadzornyj kapitalizm v logike biopoliticheskogo upravleniya [Digital biomedicine and surveillance capitalism in the logic of biopolitical management], Meditsinskaya antropologiya i bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2(24).
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,
Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
(Russia: Omsk)
E—mail: DmitriVPopov@mail.ru
Keywords: biopolitics, biocapitalism, surveillance capitalism, biomedicine, digital biomedicine, human.
Abstract: In the Modern nation-state, a new type of public administration has been developed, involving investments in the population in the name of power, prosperity and security. Medicalization became one of the main tools in the systemically formed biopolitics, which led to the political regulation of “naked life”. In the XXI century, new implications arise from the already formed biopolitical paradigm: “the security state”, “the biosafety state” and “surveillance capitalism”. Google’s open “behavioral surplus” has led to the formation of a digital market for human behavior. “Googlization” is the “Fordism” of the XXI century for the difference that mass production was inclusive, and surveillance capitalism is exclusive and extractive par excellence. Digital biomedicine within the framework of surveillance capitalism is used as one of the resources for digitizing human behavior. Of course, this is only one of the aspects of biomedical technologies that make their undeniable contribution to the preservation and prolongation of human life and health – a market and biopolitical aspect in essence. However, the strategy of surveillance capitalism aimed at the commodification of digitized human behavior by digital giants in the interests of their clients makes digital biomedicine ambivalent. Biomedicine, whose goal is to promote human life, finds itself in the position, on the one hand, of the most important biopolitical investment strategy in the population, and, on the other hand, hostage to the latest biocapitalist imperatives of benefiting from digital surveillance of the individual.
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