© 2022 Elena Ivanovna KIRILENKO
MA&B 2022 – № 2(24)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33876/2224-9680/2022-2-24/13
Kirilenko E.I. (2022) O profilizacii prepodavaniya kursa «Medicinskaya antropologiya» v sovremennykh rossijskikh vuzakh [On the profilization of teaching “Medical anthropology” courses in modern Russian universities], Meditsinskaya antropologiya i bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], No. 2(24).
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Professor of the Department of Humanities
and Socio-Economic Disciplines
Russian State University of Justice
(West Siberian Branch)
(Russia: Tomsk)
E—mail: e.kirilenko@ngs.ru
Keywords: higher education, medical anthropology, pathography.
Abstract: The problem of teaching the course “Medical Anthropology”, the promotion of the discipline in the modern educational space is actively discussed in the scientific community. The “critically-directed” expectation of medical and anthropological knowledge among medical students and humanities students is noted. Accordingly, the teaching of medical anthropology requires the search for special approaches, depending on the specifics of the recipient of the knowledge received. The existing experience of working with students of different profiles shows that medical humanities is most effectively “included” in a medical university through the tradition of pathography, while students of a classical university (where the topic of personality is the center of the cosmos of special disciplines) are more inclined to conceptual reversals, theoretical models, attentive to the very idea of expanding interdisciplinary ties.
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