© 2021 Aleksandr Vladimirovich Oleskin
2021 – № 2 (22)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33876/2224-9680/2021-2-22/13
Citation link:
Oleskin A. V. (2021). Biojetika kak proekt prikladnoj integral’noj jetiki: opyt recenzii na uchebnik V.I. Moiseeva, O.N. Moiseevoj “Biojetika” [Bioethics as a Project of Applied Integral Ethics: an Attempt at Reviewing the Bioethics Textbook by V. I. Moiseyev and O. N. Moiseyeva]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2 (22).
Author info:
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Oleskin is a Professor of the Moscow State University (Chair for General Ecology and Hydrobiology, Biological Faculty) and Yevdokimov University (Chair for Philosophy, Biomedical Ethics, and the Humanities).
Keywords: ethics, bioethics, integral ethics, integral ontology, phenomenon of life, principlism, antinomy
Abstract. The review presents a detailed discussion of each volume and chapter of the new bioethics textbook by V. I. Moiseyev and O. N. Moiseyeva. It is pointed out that the textbook is a new attempt to present bioethics as applied integral ethics. The first volume, along with usual bioethical topics, discusses the problems of defining integral ethics and adjacent concepts – integral ontology and mind, the antinomic discourse in bioethics, etc. In the second volume, the authors use the images of a new understanding of bioethics to solve several applied bioethical problems.
Moiseev, V.I., Moiseeva, O.N. (2021a) Biojetika [Bioethics], Vol.1, Obshhaja chast’ [General Part], Moscow: GEOTAR -Media. DOI: 10.33029/9704-6038-2-BIO-2021-1-160.
Moiseev, V.I., Moiseeva, O.N. (2021b) Biojetika [Bioethics], Vol.2, Prikladnye aspekty [Applied Aspects], Moscow: GEOTAR -Media. DOI: 10.33029/9704-6460-1-BIO-2021-1-368.
Oleskin, A. V. (2020) Setevye struktury v biosistemah i chelovecheskom obshhestve [Network structures in biosystems and human society], Moscow: URSS.
Oleskin, A. V. (2021) Decentralizovannaja setevaja organizacija nauchnogo soobshhestva: perspektivy i problem [Decentralized Network Organization of the Scientific Community: Prospects and Problems], Moscow: URSS.