© 2021 Coldman S. D.
2021 – №1 (21)
Citation link:
Coldman S. D. (2021). Fenomen dolgoletija/dolgozhitel’stva (po sledam nauchnoj konferencii CMA IJeA RAN) [Longevity Phenomenon (in the Footsteps of CMA IEA RAS Academic Conference)], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 21 (1).
Severina Coldman, Cand. Hist. Sc., is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Medical Anthropology of Mikluho-Maklai Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology (Moscow).
Keywords: longevity, pension reform, pensioners, long-lived people, normative acts, medical anthropology
Abstract. The review of the academic round table, Problems of Longevity Research in Modern Russia, held by the Center for Medical Anthropology (IEA RAS) in April 2021 focused on the corresponding studies in the Soviet era and the recent years. Despite medical and biological studies are prioritized and stimulated by the state, the ethnographic and sociocultural aspacts also seem highly relevant. Among speakers at the conference were the participants of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia expeditions of the 1970s and 80s; their materials and the methods developed by them are main instruments for authenticating the age of the oldest people in the cohort, as well as eliciting ethnic and ecological factors of group longevity. The text emphasizes the conference’s final report in memoriam Cand. Hist. Sc. Ya. V. Chesnov, who participated in such studies in the Soviet years, as he worked in the Institute of Ethnology of the Soviet Academy of Science. The academic’s legacy was presented by M. A. Pronin, Cand. Med. Sc.. Chesnov worked in his department in his years in the Institute of Philosophy.
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