© 2021 Spitsyna N. H.

2021 – № 1 (21)

Citation link:

Spitsyna N. H. (2021) Antropogeneticheskie aspekty issledovanij reproduktivnyh processov v populjacijah Rossii [Anthropogenetic Aspects of Reproductive Processes Studies among Russia’s Populations]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 1 (21).

Author info:


Nailya Spitsyna,

Dr. Biol. Sc., is a Leading Research Fellow at Mikluho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (Moscow).

Keywords: Russia, population, reproductive structure, types of marriages, panmixia, outbreeding, inbreeding, heterozygosity

Abstract. The article presents the results of an anthropogenetic study of the reproductive processes of the Russian Federation’s population in the second half of the XX – early XXI centuries. The factors influencing the reproductive processes in rural and urban populations of varying sizes are analyzed. The structure, types of formation of married couples, and possible influence on the genetic characteristics of the generation of children are considered. It is shown that descendants in interethnic families are characterized by an increased degree of individual heterozygosity, which contributes to an increase in the overall heterozygosity of populations. The trends associated with the demographic transition from the traditional reproductive type to a regulated birth rate and the associated small number of children in families are considered. The obtained data is new scientific information important for the development of programs defined by the goals of the state demographic policy of the Russian Federation and the preventive branch of medicine.


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