© 2020 Nabokova A.A.

2020  — № 2 (20)

Citation link:

Nabokova A.A. (2020) . Terapevticheskij povorot v sovremennoj rossijskoj massovoj kul’ture [A Therapeutic Turn in Modern Russian Mass Culture]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2 (20).

Author info: 

Alina Alekseyevna Nabokova, Lomonosov University MA in History, is an independent researcher.

E-mail: alina-nabokova@mail.ru

Keywords: emotional regime, therapeutic discourse, social networks, culture of feeling, massmarket psychology, selfhelp, zoomers

Abstract: The article analyzes the discourse of the culture of feelings in modern Russia and evaluates the influence of the therapeutic turn on formation of the emotional subject, of medicalization of the colloquial language, and of the spread of the popular branch of psychology’s substrate – massmarket psychology and the selfhelp genre. Analyzing boomers’ professional accounts on social networks and blogs by popular Russian zoomer influencers, the author describes the contemporary emotional language of the youth in the conditions of the new culture of feeling; she also elicits the link between the modern massmarket psychology and the regime and the inceptive type of love relations in urban communities.


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