© 2020 Bojarkina S. I.

2020  — № 2 (20)

Citation link:

Bojarkina S. I. (2020). Social’noe strukturirovanie jepidemicheskogo (ne)blagopoluchija v istorii zapadnoevropejskih obshhestv XIV – XX vekov [Social Structuring of Epidemic Well-/ill-being in the History of European Societies in the XIV-XX Centuries]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2 (20)

Author info:

Saniya Isaakovna Boyarkina, Cand. Soc. Sc., is an Associate Professor, Chief Research Fellow at the RAS Sociological Institute – an affiliated institution of the Federal Sociological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Keywords: epidemics in 14th–20th centuries Western Europe, epidemic well-being, infectious diseases, transmission paths, mass morbidity, social structuring, inequalities in health

Abstract: The article presents the results of an interdisciplinary study of the lasting epidemic threat in European countries, which revealed that social evolution was accompanied by changes in epidemic trends, with the dynamics of the latter determined by societal and structural-institutional shifts: by the changes in migration and urbanization volume; by the development of the sanitary, communal and material environment, social institutions responsible for formation of accessible channels of status mobility, social protection, and health preservation; by changes in individual patterns of the attitudes to health and the practices of health maintenance. At the same time, as indicated by the history of European societies, these factors cannot fully exclude epidemics from the social life. Becoming moderators of epidemic processes, they predispose to emergence and disappearance of certain infectious agents; correction of evolutionary paths of pathogenes development leads to the selection of the those most adapted to anthropogenic influence, which leads to the formation of a global network of social-epidemic threats to the well-being of global community, in the condition of globalization of societal relations and spread of the effects of social determinants of epidemics, formed within each given country, far beyond their borders.


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