© 2014 Irina Vasiljevna ILJINA
2014 – №1 (7)
Key words: traditional culture, the Izhma Komi, health maintenance, religious and magical knowledge, lifestyle, diet, cold water treatment, etiquette norms, personal and public hygiene
Abstract: In the article, on the basis of fieldwork and previously published materials, the author looks into the features of health maintenance, prevention, hygiene and treatment of the ethnic group Izhma Komi living in the Northeast of the European part of Russia. Health maintenance in the traditional environment, first of all, consists in living in accordance with natural rhythms. The author analyzes folklore materials (proverbs and sayings), data on ritual practices as well as features of people’s everyday life. She also concentrates on norms of etiquette, diet and restrictions on consumption of alcohol, norms of personal and public hygiene, overall worldview of the Izhma Komi group.
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The article is available in full version in Russian