© 2014 Voldina T.V.

2014 – № 1 (7)

ВолдинаKey words: Folk medicine, the Khanty, historiography, traditional beliefs, folk remedies, folk methods of treatment, sacred practices, shamanism, rational methods of treatment, traditional medical knowledge

Abstract: Three provisional stages are singled out in the history of research of the Khanty folk medicine. The pre-Soviet period (19 century – 1920s) is represented by brief information on folk medicine of Khanty and Mansi in publications of regional scholars and foreign researchers. The most significant contribution at this stage was made by a Finnish scientist K. F. Karjalainen (1994, 1995, 1996). In the Soviet period (before 1991), questions relating to folk medicine, were studied by ethnographers V.M. Kulemzin and N.V. Lukina (2006) who worked with by the Vasyugan-Vakhov groups of Khanty. A noteworthy event of this period was the publication by P. Jääsalmi-Krüger (1990) (Germany) about emic names of diseases of the Ob Ugrians. In the post-Soviet period (1990-s – to the present), the study of folk medicine seems to be the most productive. Medical professionals, the national intelligentsia, ethnographers from among the representatives of the Khanty people took part in it. Information on local medical traditions is becoming more and more complete. The urgent task of the present time is to conduct a comprehensive study of the traditional medical culture of the Khanty with the use of modern methods and approaches of medical anthropology.


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The article is available in full version in Russian

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