© 2014 Nina V. KOVALYUNAS
2014 — №2 (8)
Key words: education, medical education, medical anthropology, humanitarization of education, interdisciplinarity, dialogism, technocracy, psychological communication
Abstract: The article deals with the specifics of modern education, its changes that occurred in 1980-1990-ies. Stressing technocratic worldviews, the author notes the tendencies towards humanitarization and inter-disciplinarity of medical education, the emergence of new humanitarian aspects in the preparation of future medical doctors, including programs of psychological and psychotherapeutic training.
From the Editorial Board:
Readers are invited to read this reflection on the transformation of modern higher education in general and peculiarities of preparation of medical students. The author draws attention to the positive changes in the training of future doctors, pointing to the emergence of interdisciplinary tendencies and humanitarization of medical education.
It seems that many readers of this text can be surprised and may wish to argue, as well as ask questions about how widely spread in medical schools are courses of psychology and psychotherapy, as well as medical anthropology, Christian and cultural anthropology …
The editors invite experts to discuss the problems of education of medical doctors in our country and beyond.
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